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Primary Team Declaration Form


During a qualifying season, a player may be on a weekday and weekend team of the same level, (i.e. ladies weekday 3.5 and ladies weekend 3.5). Should a player find themselves on both an advancing weekend team & an advancing weekday team of the same level, they will be required to fill out a Primary Team Declaration Form. These forms are only necessary for those teams involved in playoffs. The Director of Leagues will instruct teams to submit their primary declaration forms when notifying them of their playoff status.

"*" indicates required fields

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MM slash DD slash YYYY
Team Captain*
I confirm that all my team captains know of my Primary Team selection*
Primary Team Declaration — Players on a weekday team and a weekend team of the same level must declare a primary team for local playoffs. If the Primary Team does not advance to playoffs, player becomes eligible to play for a different team (if they have enough qualifying matches). If a primary declaration form is not filed, the team the player plays for first will become the default primary team. This declaration is just for local playoffs. If the team a player DID NOT declare/play for advances to Sectionals, the player may rejoin the advancing team at Sectionals (if they have enough qualifying matches).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.