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USTA Team Registration

Things to remember before registering for a team number:
1. You must have permission to use the courts at your home facility before registering.
2. You will receive your team number within 48 hours (not counting weekends).
3. Players will not be able to register if their USTA membership is set to expire before the end of the season.
4. Captains and players are responsible for being up to date with the latest CATA League Regulations.
5. Be sure to select the correct league season below, refer to the League Schedule if unsure what season you need.

Fall League Team Registration

Fall Leagues: 18+ League, 18+ Fall Fun Flex League, 65+ Mixed Doubles, Lone Star League, Tri-Level League

Winter League Team Registration

Winter Leagues: 40+ League, 18-39 League, 18+ Mixed Doubles League,
55+ Doubles League, 18+ 2.5 Ladies Lone Star League

Spring League Team Registration

Spring Leagues: 18+ League, 18+ Open League, 40+ Mixed, 65+ Doubles League,
Lonestar League

Summer League Team Registration

Summer Leagues: 55+ Mixed Doubles, Summer Doubles, Combo League